The SSPX is "Completely Regular"
Francis Allowed SSPX To Ordain Whomever They Wish

[Image: 83jgjr7mrhms263efsity1t968e8o5ph6rdrnut....77&webp=on] [Emphasis mine]| July 30, 2023

The Society Pius X is “completely regular,” James Bogle, a former Una Voce President, told at the Roman Forum in Gardone, Italy (video below).

Bogle is a barrister in London. He counseled in the cases of Archie Battersbee (2010-2022) and Alfie Evans (2016-2018), who were sentenced to death by British courts, the latter despite interventions by the Polish, Italian and Vatican governments.

Francis "recognised" all [SSPX] sacraments, including marriage and confession, Bogle notes. In March 2015, Bishop Fellay was appointed a Vatican judge for all annulments and clerical misdemeanours in [SSPX].

Fellay told Bogle in May 2015 that Francis had written him a personal letter allowing him to ordain "whomever he wants", without having to consult the local bishops. Bogle calls this not just a recognition but a "special privilege".

A member of the Order of Malta, Bogle believes Francis has "saved" the order. At the 2014 Chapter General, a group of Germans were elected to the governing body and then tried to secularise the order by marginalising the professed members.

Francis stepped in and acted as a dictator, overriding all laws, codes and the Order's constitution. This led to the expulsion of the Germans. Francis’ authoritarian and “frankly not legal” style worked in the Order's favour “by accident”, says Bogle.

As for Francis' desire to close monasteries, Bogle recalls a dissolved monastery in Amalfi, Italy. Its historic building was worth €80M (!). With Francis' knowledge, the nuns were told that they were being suppressed and had to leave the convent.

They complied. For Bogle, the handling over of their property is dishonest, fraudulent, and even criminal.

For Bogle, Francis is reversing some fundamentals of the faith and thus “destroying the Church”. But given his treatment of PiusX he calls him "self-contradictory" and a “complex figure”.

Video of the interview here:
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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The SSPX is "Completely Regular" - by Stone - 07-30-2023, 07:28 AM

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